You Should Have Told Me

You should have told me
What you meant by crazy.
Is it the tears you shed regularly?
Or the sobs you always cough uncontrollably?
You should have told me.
What you meant when you said that you were wearied.
Are you tired of the phony?
Or sick of this forgery?
Well aren’t they both the same thing, honey?
Well now you tell me.
If the world isn’t so ugly,
Why then keeping us in the darkness of rainbow?
Pretend like our days are running out of sorrow
Stop running now baby!
Its okay to be sad and crazy
Who says girl is always meant to be a lady?
Own your grief and worry
Own it for it is a true victory
For not already drowned and dead in the backyard sea
With skin red and blue from the injury
From all the rocks life has been throwing at me.

Yogyakarya 26th of August 2016

**Artwork's credit goes to its artist


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