I let You Down

I am sorry mother. I am sorry I let you down.
I am a trash that needs cleaning,
I am a junk that needs tossing,
I am a chicken that needs flying.. (No, chicken do not fly you idiot!)
I am sorry father. I am sorry I let you down.
I am a glum, who needs cheering,
I am a nutty, who needs healing,
I am an astray, who needs guiding, 
I am a turtle, who needs sprinting.. (No, turtles do not even run you shithead!)
I am sorry sister. I am sorry I let you down.
I am no beauty, which needs refining,
I am no pretty, which needs mending,
I am no lovely, which needs caring,
I am sorry brother. I am sorry I let you down
I am no genius, who needs cramming,
I am no generous, who needs giving,
I am no marvels, who needs polishing,
I am not sorry lover. I am not sorry I brought you down.
Semarang August 22nd 2014
8.58 PM
(While listening to : Amsterdam by Imagine Dragons)
**Artwork's credit goes to its artist


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