December 22nd. It is one of many national celebration in Indonesia. It called “Mother’s Day”. The day when a lot of child go to the florist for buy a flower bucket for their own mom, or even just a kiss, hug, or other little gift that could show their love to their mother.

The stipulating of December 22nd become Mother’s Day was based on the happened of Indonesian Woman’s Right Congress in Bogor(probably! or Jakarta?) on December 22nd( and I forgot the years! Indonesian Heritage history is not my favorite subject anyway-,-.) By the way, I know, perhaps it is too late for me to write about Mother’s Day on my blog, coz I was very very busy and struggled in my hard final exam L. Wish me luck!

Well, just to the point, on December 20th, I’d been think at my bedroom, what gift that suppose I give for my mom for this special day. And after long night of thinking, finally I decided to give my lovely mom, some cake that I ever saw at the bakery few months ago.

On Dcember 22nd afternoon after school, one of my classmate, Aldhita, asked me to watch a new movie at theatre called AVATAR. Im swear it was Incredible Movie.! So I buy the cake after watching this movie.

When I was entering HYPERMART SUPERMARKET, I went to the bakery side, and I found lot of and many kind of cake. And as long as im thingking to choose my cake, Aldhita wait me very patiently. Thanks, Aldhita ;D! when im home, I open the cake.

And all of my siblings come to me so cheerfully. I said “hey, guys.. ive something for you all. Its specially for you mom”

And my mom staring at me while hugging me, and I said “happy mothers day, ma!”

We ate the cake together, and we let mom cut the cake for us.

All of us enjoy the cake even that’s not too good or expensive. But mom said, the most important thing is the intention. My mom is the most important people in my life after ALLAH, Prophet Muhammad SAW,! All of the things that ive been doing and struggling in my life, I dedicated for her! Her happiness is too much important for me! She is my priority!

Everytime I know she feel hurted by someone or something, I always feel so angry. I wanna protect her and make sure she is happy. Thanks, a lot, ma! I know I will never could replay all of ur kindness to us. So, I just let ALLAH repay it to you with the greatest heaven. Aku sayang banget sama mama…..


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