Reserving Judgment Equals Complicity?

Its is almost 12 PM on Wednesday, i am supposed to write my paper for Psychology class instead of wandering around on my blog. Or start writing my Natural Resource journal instead of researching the life of Harvey Milk. Or studying evidence for my upcoming Michigan State debate tournament this week end instead of having my eyes glued to Tyler Oakley's youtube channel. I know i am natural procrastinator and i have no excuse for that, but i just cant get these stuff out of my mind. I will try my best to explain these 'stuff' i am talking about.

As you know i am living in United States at the moment because of my exchange student program. I realized that coming from a totally different society would surely trouble me at some points while living in this country. In every orientation programs i have attended, they've always subtly segues the idea of 'reserving judgement' as a coping mechanism to live in a totally different society. That it is not better or worse, it is just different and the difference is what makes our society special and everyone strives to be different and unique and so on.

For most of the cultural and daily life customs parts, i am totally fine tackling these differences using this 'reserving judgement' idea they've suggested. Since actually i have lived most of my life with this coping mechanism  myself. I avoid confrontation in general. I'd rather have a peaceful life than addressing the difference and create problems. Yet, how could i've been a passionate debater for last couple years remain a mystery for me. Perhaps i'll tell you my theory on the nest post.

Anyway, as Nick Carraway from the novel The Great Gatsby said; reserving judgement is a matter of infinite hope, i guess i was just born an optimist. I believe theres always reasons behind every person's behavior or every thing that happens in life. We human are just not smart enough to understand the reason therefore we are not supposed to be judgemental about anything. Just try to figure out every positive values hidden in every events.

YET, it is much HARDER when problems i encounter involves religion. I come from a quite religious Muslim family and i couldnt be happier about that fact. Let me just be to the point here, i've been troubled by internal conflict in both my head and heart regarding the issue of homosexuality. I SERIOUSLY am in a BIG DILEMMA right know. I mean, i perfectly understand that and why it is haram which means absolutely wrong and forbidden in Islam. But i think bashing gay people or (God Forbid) killing them in the names of state law is also a wrong thing to do. 

A gay activist said that we are special thus we have the right to be accepted just the way we are. Then my debater instinct would tell me to argue that should we accept a people with kleptomaniac disorder just the way they are without giving them any help so that others wont have to suffer the bad consequences of his/her behavior? They claim that homosexuality is a natural phenomenon that cant be controlled but so does eating and urinate. We cant stop it from happening but we have the ability to control where we can do that since we have the ability to choose not to eat an expired food or do our business on the street. Since i have this theory that everyone is actually bisexual. We can always find sexual pleasure in both gender but we always have the ability to choose not to do it with the same gender. God is testing us whether or not we can defeat and control our sexual desires rather than driven by it. Because thats what differs us from animal.

YET, I cant shake this deep sadness whenever people are being mean toward any homosexual individual. Let alone killing them in the name of state law would literally kill my heart. I personally believe that death sentence is only legal for a murderer who takes away other's right to live therefore he should no longer live. But gay people dont kill anybody. They dont snatch away anybody's right therefore they still have the right to live and being protected by the law. We might think that they make the wrong choice for themselves and choose to commit sin but it doesnt make them deserved to suffer a human rights violation. Since their action doesnt necessarily hurt anybody.

If Dante was right, that the darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain neutrality in times of moral crisis, then i do have a question. DOES RESERVING JUDGEMENT COUNTS AS COMPLICITY? I mean seriously. if letting a thief steal in front of your eyes makes you a thief and earn you a sin, how about me in the middle of all these the so called sinful behaviors happening around me? I've been maintaining my neutrality so far, but does it make me a sinner too? Does it necessary for me to stop interacting with them just because i have the moral obligation to do that, just to bear witness and showing people that i dont believe in it and i find it wrong? Or am i right by keeping the beliefs to myself, keeping quiet and neutral and letting it happens without any witness bearing and prima facie whatsoever? I am sorry for my choice of terminology, if you are a debater or at least a smart person, i am pretty sure you know what  i mean. I do need help here. Especially if you have a broader insight in Islamic point of view.


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