To-Read Books Part 1

I went home few weeks ago and i bought some books at Periplus in Semarang Airport. This one is called Fatherland by Robert Harris. It takes from a detective story in an alternative history in which Nazi Germany won World War II. Sounds like a terrific novel for me since my favorite novel recently is The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Trilogy. (Do you get my taste now?)

 I was jokingly telling my friend if i were lesbian i would have dated Lisbeth Salander from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Thanks God i am straight enough not to date a lesbian hacker in real life. But i would indeed recommend this book to every other bookworm i know. I couldn't stop reading those books until i finish. It became an addiction for a while and i was completely in love with this Salander.
I am so sorry that its author Stieg Larsson died shortly after he sent the 3 manuscripts to the publisher. Because i really want to read other books of him. His books are really my things. I am interested in political conspiracy but enjoy reading Sherlock Holmes and i could get them all in Larsson's masterpieces.

My choices of books genre is  a bit eclectic but crime fiction is my favorite since it was the last type of book i read. One of my senior also lend me this classic modern novel called To Kill a Mocking bird by Harper Lee. This book was published in the same year when my father born, 1960. I found this book quiet boring at the first few pages but the climax is really great. The way Harper Lee described the situation through a little girl's perpective was just brilliant. Its moral value was beautifully delivered. Thus, it makes Atticus Finch as one of these fictional men i wish to marry beside Christian Grey.
One of my friend also gave me the novel One Day by David Nicholls as a birthday present. I have watched the movie which was played by Anne Hathaway a year ago. I must say the movie was sweet and I haven't finished the book yet because i am still reading this book called Cry Freedom that our english teacher assigned me to read. We have test every 2 weeks which is based on book that we read in that week. FYI, i found myself crying while reading Cry Freedom. The one that triggered my tears was when one of the bad white cop tortured a black woman jounalist. I just couldn't contain myself and i bursted crying. I know i may sound too emotional but believe me you'll feel like i did if you are a woman and read that.
I had the same feeling with the time when i accidentally read an article about Jewish twin babies in Nazi human experiment who were sewn together then had infections. Their own mother finally killed them to end their suffer after several effort of stealing morphine as painkillers. I was both enraged  and sad. How could this kind of cruelty ever existed in our world. If God is good and loving, what's with these shits that happened to some people? If God just wanted to punish bad people then it was acceptable. But these included innocent child and kind people.
I know i should have blamed bad people who'd done it instead of God but i couldn't help it you know. I wish i am forgiven to have possesed this kind of thought about God. I am so sorry. I shouldn't have thought that way. Then again i am just a young meat trying to learn something about life.


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