G-Dragon's New Single : That XX

I just happened to use my modem tonight and check the youtube. That's when my sleepy eyes suddenly opened. All my exhaustion faded away. This new single really is a great song. (as if there's no other GD's song deseves less than a 'great') The slow melody segues into my mind and refused to go away. The acoustic sound  really gives the 'longing' feeling. 

That XX is especially attracting a lot of attention because it’s G-Dragon’s first song to be released in an audio format before his album is officially released. In case of “One of a Kind,” its music video was only released.  YG Entertainment has announced that it will request all online music sites to rate “That XX” restricted, taking account of the provocative lyrics of the song. However, the complete lyrics still hard to find at the moment. So i don't really get the entire meaning. 

YG Entertainment wants the intended message of the song, written by G-Dragon, to be directly conveyed to people, so it will release the song, putting an R rating. However, its music video is different. All controversial lyrics will be deleted in the music video. It is to show the music video of “That XX” to more people. YG’s new girl group member Kim Jenny appears in the music video.

GD shows a more 'gentleman' and chivalrous man image than his usual unique and out of box appereances. But still, any style fits him best. Nothing would look bad if GD wears them. 

Anyway, seems like i am the 302nd viewer of this video while its been uploaded in only 4 minutes ago.I cant stay still in waiting for his 2nd album this year. Too bad i wont be able to watch their concert in Jakarta next month because i am studying in a boarding high school and living in dormitory and such. Plus i am having midterm test the week before their concert.Really too bad. I feel like crying with my friends whom always a big fan of BIG BANG.

This is truly enjoyable. CKECK IT OUT !!!


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