Boarding High School

Some people said, Senior High school was the most colorful phase in their life. The beautiful place where we were allowed to make mistakes than people would just say "it's allright.. fix it than come back!"

Where you learned about differences. How to face and deal with it. How to improve your skill and being judged by people. By your friend, your teacher, your parents, your community. Then you would try your best to prevent misjudgment. You would push your hardest to be heard and to be understood in the right way. But the main purpose was only to be accepted.

Many people around were asking me, How could i choose boarding school. Some of them even thought my parents forced me to do so. Then i would explain, that i decided it myself. Commonly they would surprised and continue to ask why.

They told me that i should enjoy my high school time by meet and greet many kind of people which I would easily find them in public school. I should have fun, play, and try every possible thing to decide which one is the best for me.

Guess what? I have done all I have to do in having fun and trying around during my secondary school. I think it is enough. For me, High School is the perfect time to begin your future. To finally held your plan and start working hard to make your dreams come true. No pleasure time anymore, it is time to struggle or you will miss the chance forever.

I met some olders who told me their stories. Some of them are satisfied by their life. Because they have so much to achieve and to be proud of. While some of them still sink in a pool of regret.

I still remember my wonderful English teacher in Secondary school, Mrs. Ariyanti. She kept telling me to WORK HARD while we are still able to stand on two feet. Because your body is no longer strong, your brain is no longer able to memorize all materials you have to remember when you are learning.

It is all because I want to get as much opportunities as possible to achieve every desires that I have. Because I need to cease some bad habit of mine that could possibly damage my mindset.

I will not give up my chances. Now I am telling you why I decided to enter a boarding school. Not because my parents abandon me or something. Not because I felt ignored then I want to leave my family behind. NO, IT IS NOT!

Because I want some fresh challenges to be faced. Some difficult tracks to be passed. I need to measure my ability, How far my feet are able to chase my dereams. How heavy the load I can carry on my back. How long my legs are able to stand against the storm.

Living a life is about doing something than achieve the result. The struggle of muslim won’t stop until his/her feet step on the land of heaven. So be ready, get set, and start begin your journey...


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