My Junior High school Farewell Party

4th of June 2011 would remain in my brain as the end of my journey in SMPN 1 Balikpapan. At Ballroom of Grand Senyiur Hotel, lot of voices inside the ballroom mixed as a symphony of enthusiasm to face the waiting adventure as a High School student.

At the same time, sadness in the air cannot be hidden anymore. We’ve been together for 3 years. Same classmates, same faces everyday. That made us know and understand each other well. Being apart won’t be a pleasure at all.

Master of ceremony opened the Farewell Party. Our parents were there. My mom was one of the farewell committee. Arief Maulana as the former President (My former boss as well coz I am the former Vice President) of student organization gave a speech.

My physic teacher on grade 8 aka Mr. Zaidil Ghofar announced the 10 student whom got the highest score on Examination for this period. Guess what?

I got the second place, my total score is 9.33 while the first rank got 9.35. What a very small difference. But FYI, I got the highest score for the National Final Exam alias nilai nem paling tinggi di sekolah. It is 38.05. Me and my parents went to the stages to receive the trophy.

Can u see me? Im in a Batik Dress.. hehe

And these are the students whom got perfect score on Math. I wasn’t involved. (Of course we knew that, Radith!-,-)

There were many performances like traditional & modern dance, Band, acoustic group, operetta, etc.

At the end of the party, we took a lot of pictures. And suddenly my mind flashbacked every single memories with my classmates.

Every laugh,

* Every cry,

* Every anger,

* Every fight,

* Every emotions. Every suffers and every naughtiness.

- Cheated on the test,

- Copied friend’s homework,

- Gossiping, Backstabbing,

What i love the most was the academic competition that happened between us.

All those experience will be a precious wealth in my life. Hundred of thanks I deliver to you guys, also for our homeroom teacher Mrs. Eny Fitriati. We love your style, Mrs. Eny!

This is me with my friend, Bimo!

And these are Aldino,,,,,
See ya on the next journey, guys... Love u all..

Btw, I will continue my study to Pasiad Semesta Bilinguan Boarding High School in Semarang city, Central Java. Wish me luck all...


  1. Hoaa! Congrates, Raditya. :)

    I'll pray for your success.

    *Hope you dont mind if I add you in Facebook. Heee.

  2. Thanks alot for ur wish Zuraidah. Of course i dont mind since i'd love to have a new friend. :D

  3. Wah, approved already yar? Thanks you so much, girl. Nice to know you. :)

    I'll opened my Facebook account next Friday, because I scared to see my University intake that will come out next Friday. (15 July).

    Wish me luck yar. Thehe.

  4. This looks like a pretty decent farewell party. Mine was literally filled with people who’d rather be somewhere else. The event space that we had booked was pretty nice but nobody looked interested in doing anything. It was a pretty disappointing experience for me. Anyway, have a great 2018!


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