Sat Nite @POPSteak

About 3 weeks ago on March 19th, there was an opening of new steak restaurant near our school. And it is called POPSteak. And they've got a very attractive motto under the pamflet, "Steak enak dan Murah". Well, as a student we must be attracted by the word 'MURAH' means cheap in english hoho.

Paling gak ini meringankan beban kocek kami , sebagai 9th grader entah kenapa duit musti ngalir buat praktek dan fotocopi ini itu. Apalagi aku termasuk pemegang teguh generasi remaja pelit-,- Kalo kata iklan Axis kan hemat beb....

So, after tuition class ended. We went to POPSteak.

We made alot of noises at that new restaurant. haha who care! we are teenagers =D sepotong Steak lagi direbutin gajah2 kelaparan..ckckck

I ordered Hotball + Rice with Barbecue sauce. I was really happy that time. Since i seldom to spend my weekend out of home.

And it is Safira with her boyfriend Jullian. Ahaa so sweet..

Crowded, laugh, humour, spontaneous, happiness and I enjoyed so much...

And there we are!
Upper part, Left to right : Tyas Risnawati, Theesa Novian, Ega Arny, Steven Sanjaya and Uga

Lower part, Left to right: Fadjrian Nur, Zul Zalali, Safira Ayu, Aldhita Nasution and ME (with pink shirt and new Calvin Klein glasses =P)

Thanks guys for gave me such a wonderful Saturday night.. Love u alot...


  1. this is beautiful pictures vio : )

    i love your picture beside the barbecue sauce and the rice picture ^^


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