Eat, Pray, Love

The novel 'Eat, Pray, Love' which written by Elizabeth Gilbert that released in 2006. and there also the movie which still in process of. u know what make me really excited of this movie??!!
because the setting of this movie is in Bali, Indonesia ^_^...!!!
What a Great Place!!!!

Its story is based on true story and memoriam of Elizabeth Gilbert. she was a Intelegence and lucky woman. she had a home, good husband, great work and perfect life.but she couldnt find the real happiness. untill she doivorced her husband. than,for find the happy, she traveled around the world, in Italy, she enjoyed the happiness of food and eat(eat), than she went to India to learning more about religious and find the power of Pray and God there(Pray).

And finally she went to Bali Island, Indonesia. and found the important of Love Balance and the deeper meaning of love (Love).

in the Movie, Julia Robert will act as Elizabeth Gilbert. and now, the crew still in Bali in making the movie.

its a great novel, so i hope the movie will also as good as the novel. And i hope, finally his movie will get the best success!!! ameennnn....

and i think this movie also can show and promoting Bali to the world so, there will be many many tourism go to here... hehehe....
Good luck, And good work, Julia......!!!! hope u enjoyed in Bali.....:D


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