
Meneguhkan Lagi Peran Akal, Kebebasan dan Toleransi: Memperimbangkan Tawaran Mustafa Akyol

 Oleh: Raditya Darningtyas Ringkasan Buku Judul :           Reopening Muslim Minds: A Return to Reason, Freedom, and Tolerance Pen ulis:      Mustafa Akyol             Penerbit:      ST. Martin's Essentials, 2021 Tebal:           v + 298 halaman   Dalam buku ini, Akyol mengulas bagaimana perkembangan sejarah pemikiran Islam berpengaruh pada kemajuan dan kemunduran peradaban Islam. Akyol menjelaskan bahwa sejarah awal islam ditandai oleh kontestasi di antara dua aliran etika yang disebutnya “teori perintah ilahi” dan “teori objektivisme etis”. Aliran etika yang pertama berkembang terutama dalam bentuk Aliran Asy’ariyah, satu aliran teologi Sunni yang menekankan kewenangan mutlak kitab suci dan ulama (sarjana agama). Akyol mengulas bagaimana aliran Asy’ariyah tumbuh menjadi aliran teologi yang dominan dalam sebagian besar sejarah Islam bukan...

Perempuan dan Dialog Antar-Agama: Pengalaman Forum Kerukunan Umat Beragama (FKUB)

 Oleh: Raditya Darningtyas Ringkasan Artikel Jurnal Judul :            The Role of Women in Interreligious Dialogue in Indonesia: A Study on the Forum for Religious Harmony (FKUB) Pen ulis :           Wiwin S. A. Rohmawati         Jurnal:             The Muslim World, 2020 (Vol. 110 Issue 4) Tebal:               16 halaman   Perempuan seringkali tidak mendapat ruang dalam dialog antar-agama. Sekalipun ada, peran perempuan kerap terbatas pada hal-hal yang kurang substantif dan kurang berpengaruh di ranah pembuatan keputusan. Hal ini menyebabkan forum dialog tidak representatif bagi aspirasi dan peran perempuan. Forum dialog maupun upaya binadamai lainnya yang tidak melibatkan   perempuan akhirnya menjadi tidak ef...

Dekolonisasi Hak Asasi Manusia: Mempertimbangkan Tawaran An-Naim

Oleh: Raditya Darningtyas Ringkasan Buku Judul Buku:     Decolonizing Human Rights Pen ulis :           Abdullahi Ahmed An-Naim    Penerbit:          Cambridge University Press, 2001 Tebal:               v + 138 halaman   Pemenuhan hak asasi manusia (HAM) telah menjadi isu yang banyak dibicarakan sejak berkembangnya konsep dan rezim HAM internasional tahun 1945-1948. Perdebatan tentang HAM, baik di ranah konseptual maupun implementasi , kerap mewarnai pertemuan di antar a negara maupun aktor internasional dan domestik lainnya. Penegakan HAM yang konsisten dan merata juga masih menjadi tantangan. Mekanisme penegakan yang selama ini bergantung pada rezim hukum internasional dan institusi antarnegara dinilai kurang efektif dan bahkan melanggengkan praktik neokolonialisme yang kerap melanggar HAM ali...

Beyond Ceasefire: The Case of Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement

  by: Raditya Darningtyas This article aims to make the case on why ceasefire doesn’t equal to peace because the only true form of peace for the Palestinian needs to also address and compensate for the indirect and structural violence experienced daily the the Palestinians.  The Palestinian BDS movement, along with other nonviolent resistance, is a strategic way to fight for justice and positive peace in Palestine.  Word counts: 2400 ­­________________ After days of relentless Israeli bombing and rockets launched into Israel by Hamas, a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Palestinian armed groups in Gaza Strip was finally announced on Friday (May 24 th 2021). However, the tensions remain high in occupied East Jerusalem after the Israeli police stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and fired tear gas at Palestinians after Friday prayers — only hours after the agreement. While many were momentarily relieved for the Egyptian-brokered ceasefire, this agreement...

COVID-19: Beyond a Public Health Crisis

  by: Albert Au & Raditya Darningtyas The flaws and injustices embedded in the Indonesian socio-economic systems have been exposed by COVID-19. From the way our BPJS National Health Program fails to provide essential services during these critical times to the inconsistencies between our central and regional governments are on policies surrounding Mudik . By treating the pandemic solely as a “health crisis”, we risk over-emphasizing healthcare over other growing problems in other sectors. In reality, the pandemic we are in isn’t an exclusively health-related phenomenon, its impact is widespread. The healthcare, labor, economy, agriculture, and the environment sectors overlap more than they seem. If anything, the ongoing pandemic has exposed their close relationship with one another. Our government, once an advocate of a “health-centric” approach to the crisis, has switched gears to an economic one with the introduction of the “new normal” protocols. Further illustrating h...


Edith heard Vibhav Maniktala howled with laughter from the other side of the hall and glanced across in time to see him holding Darren in a head-lock, rubbing his knuckles on Darren’s scalp. She smiled then turned her full attention back to loathing Talita Damian.             ‘So I heard you were unemployed,’ she was saying.             ‘Well I prefer to think of myself as self-employed.’             ‘As an author?’             ‘It’s just for a year or two, a Sabbatical of some sort.’             ‘But you haven’t actually had anything published?’             ‘Not as yet. Although I have actually been...