
Showing posts from April, 2017

Ulasan Kritis : Political Islam in the Middle East oleh Are Knudsen

Oleh             : Raditya Putranti Darningtyas Mata Kuliah : Gerakan Politik Timur Tengah             Are Knudsen dalam tulisannya yang berjudul Political Islam in the Middle East berupaya memberi gambaran umum mengenai latar belakang munculnya gerakan politik Islam di Timur Tengah, perkembangan debat seputar isu-isu spesifik dalam dinamika kiprah gerakan politik Islam, dan pemaparan beberapa konsep dominan dalam gerakan politik Islam seperti jihad dan kompatibilitas konsep politik Islam dan demokrasi Barat.  Knudsen memaparkan tiga ciri gerakan Islam yaitu; (a) ketika sekelompok orang mengidentifikasi diri mereka sebagai bagian dari gerakan Islam; (b) mereka mencita-citakan berdirinya negara Islam yang berjalan sesuai dengan syariah; (c) mereka mengorganisir diri mereka untuk melaksanakan berbagai usaha dalam rangka mencapai cita-cita diatas. Ciri-ciri ini kemudian di kelompokkan oleh S...

A Critical Review : Post-Colonial Critics on Liberal Feminism

By : Raditya Putranti Darningtyas Department of International Relations Universitas Gadjah Mada Gender and Politics   Midterm Assignment ______________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION During the past few decades, feminist theory with its multiple branches has attempted massive deconstruction and attacks against several established notions in social science including order in society, ideology, and culture. At the heart of these attacks lay protest against distribution of power that have, by tradition, favored men at the expense of women. From the furious assertion that rape and other type of sexual harassment should not be tolerated as mere consequences of unfortunate episode, to the complex theories of postmodernism that discards the very concept of differences as inherently oppressive, these protests have provoked many challenges to all traditional conception of order as inherently androcentric. At its first emergence i...


do you remember, that time you cut me open? i was bloodied forearms down with nothing but sharpened teeth. do you remember, that time you roll me over? i was bruised, legs wide apart with nothing but worn out guilt. do a number on me, darling do me a favor! Me kissing the ground you stepped on, was not overwrought. Its called dedication and, a battered seduction. Yogyakarta April 14th 2017 8 : 14 PM **Picture belongs to my absolute favorite Norwegian singer, Aurora.

Mired Down

By : Raditya Darningtyas Why clipping your wings shut when you could have soared the sky? Why clamming up when you could have swum to the sun? I was scared honey, I strayed from the path I was never a sucker for lust, I stopped longing for love. I was a glimmer of dark, Slithering out of His womb. Yogyakarta, April 13th 2017 1.35 AM **Artwork's credit goes to its artist